About Us

About John B Ronel

President & CEO

Reach Neighbors International Missions, Inc.

If you have a chance to make someone happy, take it.

There’s a lot of evidence showing that helping people makes us happy. And I discovered this for myself. A simple act of giving can brighten someone’s day, and that happiness is contagious. This happiness-is-contagious philosophy is the driving force behind Reach Neighbors International Missions, Inc.

We believe in the power of people to make the world a better and happier place.

Our mission is to reach out to people–neighbors who have lost hope, homes, jobs. Those who are displaced, hungry, and hurting, and families affected by natural and manmade disasters. Helping them to help themselves, others, and change their lives to be confident and productive members of society is our purpose. We do this by building resilience and providing practical tools to deal with their problems

My story—Neighborly love in action

I started this organization with a burning desire to help people facing major life challenges due to disasters. This happened because of a change in my own life.
My family and I were resettled in northern Wisconsin as refugees in 2004. Although starting a new life from scratch came with challenges, we never felt alone. We were fortunate to have friends who welcomed us with open hearts, carried our burdens, and dealt with our concerns as if they were theirs. May God bless all of them!
I will never forget Dr. Kevin Lang and his wife Pamela and Sister Gloria and her family for committing to support my family for several months. My children and I often reminisce about the times we spent with the Martins, the Kulps, the Troyer family, the Beatys, the Feigs, Brother Danny and Bontrager the Amish of Shawano and many other neighbors who always surrounded us with their love.
Experiencing the love and care of our friends during our few years here in America and its positive impact on me taught me important lessons in the power of connecting with neighbors. Our friends openly showed their happiness in having us with them, hugged everyone, and cared for us. I picked up these good habits, and in doing so, I thought more about others, which made my heart even happier. I quickly learned the importance of community and the significance of being a good neighbor. I was moved by that inclusive love of God every day these neighbors cared for us.
Soon enough, I felt the same call to share this joy and love of God with as many neighbors as possible. My heart becomes full each time my family welcomes a stranger to our table or meets someone’s needs. This table will always be open to any neighbor in need.
I invite you to rejoice in this same sense of neighborly love and connection. It will not only change your life, but that of someone in need, too. Please connect with us to reach our neighbors and make a difference while creating lasting change. Partner with Reach Neighbors International Missions, Inc., and make a tangible difference in spreading love and happiness in a world that so desperately needs it.
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